Consular services

This section contains information on your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc.

The Consulate-General in Jerusalem is the authority for all consular matters in Jerusalem, Palestinian Territory and Gaza.

Make an appointment to apply for a passport and/or an ID's

You will find information on the various consular services on the present website.
If you do not find the answer to your questions or if you have a question relating to your file, please contact us by email via

The Consulate is not competent regarding:

  • driving licenses: please contact your last municipality of residence in Belgium for the replacement/renewal of your Belgian driving license.
  • extracts of judicial records: please check the website of the FPS Foreign Affairs
  • your pension: please check the website of the FPS Foreign Affairs
  • information regarding legislation and organisation of Israeli authorities (only the relevant authorities are competent to assist you) and the conditions to enter a foreign country (you must contact the relevant Embassy).

Please send requested documents as separate and titled PDF files. Send other file types or incomplete files, it will not be possible to process the file.

  • Do send all requested documents separately, titled PDF files. Not in PDF or incomplete? Your file cannot be processed.
  • Size of the email : no larger than 10MB. Are the files bigger, send them over several emails
  • Please send the documents:
    • Once your file is complete
    • All together, on the same day
  • If birth, marriage, divorce certificate or other documents consist out of several pages, make sure they are scanned into 1 PDF file (including apostille, translations,…)
  • Title of the email: mention the family name, first name and date of birth of the person concerned
  • Rest of the email: explain in detail the purpose of the email.

More consular information

General texts on consular services for Belgians abroad can be found on the FPS Foreign Affairs website